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Class Schedule - Filter by Dance Style/Location

Showing All
Dance Style - Kathak
Dance Style - Bollywood
Location - New Berlin, WI
Location - Franklin, WI
Location - Downtown Milwaukee, WI
Location - Cedarburg, WI
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
9 pm
Kathak Level 2 - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 2
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This is a Kathak Level 2 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 2 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.

Kathak Beginner - Franklin Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Franklin Studio
Location - Franklin, WI

This is Kathak Beginner instruction class

Bollywood Ages (5-9) - Franklin Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
Franklin Studio
Location - Franklin, WI

This class teaches Bollywood style of dance.

Kathak Level 3 - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 3
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This is a Kathak Level 3 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 3 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.

Kathak Riyaaz - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This class is a Kathak Intensive practice session based on the learning from other classes.

Bollywood Ages (5-9) - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
Casa Di Danza
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This class teaches Bollywood style of dance.

Kathak Level 1 - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 1
Casa Di Danza
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This is a Kathak Level 1 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 1 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.

Kathak Level 2 - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 2
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

Bollywood Ages (9-15) - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
Casa Di Danza
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This class teaches Bollywood style of dance.

Kathak Beginner - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Casa Di Danza
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

Kathak Riyaaz - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This is a Kathak practice instruction class.

Kathak Level 2 - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 2
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This is a Kathak Level 2 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 2 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.

Bollywood Teens /Adults - Casa Di Danza Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
Casa Di Danza Studio
21415 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin WI 53146
Location - New Berlin, WI

This class teaches Bollywood style of dance.

Bollywood Teens /Adults - DanceSport Studio
DanceSport Studio
N144 W5710 Pioneer Road Cedarburg, WI
Location - Cedarburg, WI

Bollywood Ages(5-9) - DanceSport Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
DanceSport Studio
N144 W5710 Pioneer Road Cedarburg, WI
Location - Cedarburg, WI

Kathak Beginner - DanceSport Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
DanceSport Studio
N144 W5710 Pioneer Road Cedarburg, WI
Location - Cedarburg, WI

Kathak Level 2 - DanceSport Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 2
DanceSport Studio
N144 W5710 Pioneer Road Cedarburg, WI
Location - Cedarburg, WI

This is a Kathak Level 2 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 2 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.

Bollywood Teens & Adults - Astor Street Dance Studio
Dance Style - Bollywood
Astor Street Dance Studio
1228 N Astor Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Location - Downtown Milwaukee, WI

Kathak Level 2 - Astor Street Dance Studio
Dance Style - Kathak
Level 2
Astor Street Dance Studio
1228 N Astor Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Location - Downtown Milwaukee, WI

This is a Kathak Level 2 dance instruction class. This class aligns with Grade 2 of ISTD Kathak Syllabus.